Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Host

The host is a South Korea film about a family that loses a family member due to a river monster. The family owns a small shack next a river, the family is a grandfather who has three children. His oldest son is very immature and has a daughter. The movie starts out where we see two doctors pouring chemicals down a sink drain, which ends up going to the river. That's where this giant fish monster is formed. When it first comes out of the river it starts to attack people. The immature son then tries to fight it. The monster ends up taking his child from him where the main plot of the story takes place.
The rest of the movie is where the family is trapped in a hospital where they are claimed to be infected with a disease. They try to escape and fine the missing daughter. The movie isn't horrible but i thought it would be a little better and more serious. The movie has a lot of humor in it which i think made it a little better. I wouldn't suggest anyone to see the movie but it wasn't bad.
There isn't really a cultural bridge between America and South Korea based on the movie. There was no culture in the movie. The movie really could have been based anywhere. The whole time the family was trying to escape a hospital. Even the family didn't seem to have any different way of living. The only difference would be the different foods they at but it barely talked about the food at all.

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